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Posts: 3307
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: The Dark Side of the Moon


Post by Moon »

Name - Zusa
Gender - Female
DOB - 11/28
Age - 24

Personality - sultry, tomboy type.

Sexual Preferences - bi

Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - blond
Eyes - blue
Weight - 210 lbs.
Height - 6'3"

Features - Blonde and slender with blue eyes and blond hair cut into a curly bob. The life of a rider and a trader's daughter has turned Zusa into a lean woman. She's often seen wearing feminine and bright clothing with a ready made cut to adjust to any call to duty.

Green, yellow, pink, red or any color in between make up her wardrobe. Zusa favors split skirts for the ease they offer in riding and belly baring shirts.

When not showing off her womanly attributes, Zusa is decked out for her her active lifestyle and wearing leathers not often associated with riding dragons.


Character Model - January Jones

Mother - Ranze
Father - Motis
Siblings - two brothers
Spouse - Kr'izum of Blue Separth (deceased)
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Green Rider
Rank - Wing Rider
Master -

History - The eldest and only daughter of a trader, Zusa grew up expecting to marry in a man in the caravan. Tragedy and circumstance eventually brought the young woman and her family to Fort Weyr where Zusa was searched by a dragon at sixteen turns. Joining the nearly all male candidates on the sands, she was the only girl to Impress in that class.

For the first three turns she found it hard to cope with the trials and challenges given to her by class and wingmates until the day came when she finally found a way to even the score. Zusa took up the challenge of laughing off the effects the teasing had on her and shrugged away the opinions of others until she finally earned the respect of one man. A young blue rider who had Impressed and graduated a turn after she did became her Weyrmate before Thread took him.

Bereft and suddenly adrift in a sea of emotions she wasn't expecting, Zusa eventually recovered by adopting some of her lover's hobbies. These included hunting and riding Runners as well as her own hobbies of collecting flowers or reading.

Name: Tahynath
Color: green
Personality: Tahynath is a large green with an extraordinary amount of energy. She tends to fidget and has trouble staying completely still. She isn't so much vocal beyond stating the obvious much to her rider's disbelief.
History: Tahynath came at hers while the poor girl was reeling from the shock of being rejected by a glamorous gold. With a devil may care announcement she informed Zusa that she belonged with her, Tahynath.
Description: The perfect green of full leaves in spring.

Fire lizard -
Name -
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Pets -
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Notes -
I will EDIT! :o
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