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Post by jackharper »

Name - Kaito Dillon
Gender - Male
DOB - 03/10
Age - 23

Personality - Kaito is reserved. He doesn't trust easily, and he keeps most people at a distance. He is pleasant and polite, but not very extroverted. Preferring to be alone with the dolphins rather than surrounded by people. He is a bit happy go lucky, and the more comfortable he becomes with individuals, the more he lets loose and makes jokes, laughing and being generally in a good mood.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - dolphins, space
Dislikes - being away from Dorain
Hobbies - swimming, dolphin work
Ambitions/Dreams - doesn't know yet

Hair - blonde
Eyes - brown
Weight - 215lbs
Height - 6'3"

Features - Light blonde hair contrasting deep, honey tan skin, brown eyes that seem depthless, and the muscles of a swimmer. Kaito spends most of his time in the water, loving to be around the dolphins and splashing in the waves. He is rather clumsy on land, despite the fact that he isn't incredibly tall, but in the water he moves with such grace. He would rather be swimming than be confined to dry land.

Character Model - Heath Ledger

Mother - Katara
Father - Irratio
Siblings - younger sister Itara
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Dolphincraft/ Dolphinhealing
Rank - Journeyman
Master -

History - Kaito grew up in a small Seahold where his family worked with shipping, trading, and fishing merchants. He fell in love with the ocean, all her creatures, and the feel of the salty water. Kaito spent hours of his day swimming or boating just to be closer to the water. When he learned of the existence of the dolphins, Kaito wanted to work with them. He wanted dolphins to be part of his life.

Spending most of his time alone as a child, Kaito learned to rely on himself for comfort, care, and entertainment. This made him more reserved, since he became uncomfortable trusting others with his thoughts, emotions, and ideas. He did have friends, but they were very few and they weren't close friends.

When Kaito was around nine years old, his father wanted to let him explore his love for dolphins. After a year spent at the Dolphin Hall, Kaito wasn't having a pleasant experience, but he loved the dolphins. With the building of the space station, he wondered if it would be possible to go there and work with different kinds of dolphins.

A young Dolphineer on the space station, from Earth, Cara Dillion, adopted, fostered., and trained Kaito as a dolphin Healer. After another ten years of training, when Kaito was twenty, a very special bond was formed between an Earth born dolphin, and Kaito.

Upon meeting the quirky dolphin Dorian, a special bond was formed between the two. They became best friends, and Kaito was entirely devoted to Dorian, and vice versa. On the Station, Kaito works as a dolphin vet, and keeps close contact with Dorian.

Name: Dorian
Species: Irrawaddy Dolphin
Color: White with an icy sheen
Personality: Quirky. He is playful, creatively making up games for himself. He enjoys making others smile, especially Kaito, and being goofy. Dorian can be serious, and is a valuable asset to research, but off the clock he is just fun and free.
History: Born on Earth. After making contact with humans, Dorian wasn't exactly thrilled to become part of the research, or aide the humans. He was stubborn at first, but then began to learn of the rewards for his work. Finally, after meeting Kaito, Dorian was comepletly committed to stayin on Dragonweyr Station and being close to him.
Description: All white with an icy glaze all over his body, except for his underbelly which is slightly grey and not shiny.

Dragon -
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Fire lizard -
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Pets -
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Notes - Foster Mother: Cara Dillon (Vet On Station)
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