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Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Kejosa
Gender - female
DOB - 1/1
Age - 17
Location- Western Continent

Personality - Tough and resilient. Snarly. A survivor. One who does not take thing lightly. A fighter when she needs to be.

Sexual Preferences - pansexual

Likes - star watching, girls, guys, flits, swimming, wrestling
Dislikes - Fire, smoke, intense heat,
Hobbies - wrestling, running, reading, listening to music.
Ambitions/Dreams - To go into space, and look down upon the surface of Pern from the sky. Would love to see another planet. Wants to learn how to properly fight with both weapons, and hand to hand. She also wants to fall in love with someone who would love her for herself.

Hair - blonde
Eyes - blue
Weight - 170
Height - 5'10"

Features -

Character Model - Beth Behrs

Mother - Kesa (deceased)
Father - Joe Dactan (offworlder) (deceased)
Siblings - Koa, Keja, Jako (all deceased)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - PMR
Rank - Recruit
Master -

History - Kejosa was found by one of the patrols leaving a burning hold. No one can say what happened to the family and no one is discussing it. The Hold that the family looked to is suspiciously quiet. They refuse to acknowledge the survivor and any claim they may have on the destroyed property. When asked about her past, other than giving the names of her parents and siblings, Kejosa has been silent. She refuses to tell anyone what her life was like. In her mind, it is over and done with, and there is no use dwelling on it, since she can not go back to it. She just wants to move forward.
Kejosa has became a Standing Recruit because there seemed little other options. She has also since filed to become an FSP citizen.

Dragon -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: Kejosa

Post by ThessKitty »

I like her, you have a little spelling error in her ambitions and dreams section. Otherwise you know I approve of her. ;)
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Re: Kejosa

Post by Talen »

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Re: Kejosa

Post by Moon »

I will EDIT! :o
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