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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:50 pm
Location: Pern, Star Stone Weyr


Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Natai
Gender - female
Age -
Location- Nest

Personality - She who would be queen, if queens existed beyond Gold dragons. Dominant and bossy to boot.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - music, swimming, dolphins
Dislikes - Being told what to do, Tyas,
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams - To be free to discover who she truly is

Hair - Dark Brown
Eyes - blue
Weight - 180
Height - 6'

Features -

Character Model - Hannah John-Kamen
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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