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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:50 pm
Location: Pern, Star Stone Weyr


Post by SyberJedi »

Name - Janovosh
Alias - Ja'vosh
Gender - male
DOB -4/20
Age - 29
Location- Dragonhold Station

Personality - A former prankster, has an aura of sadness about him. Hard working, but somewhat leery, as he knows that he's not fully trusted by the Weyrleaders.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - fishing, swimming, and Phocyn
Dislikes - sand storms, being partially blind
Hobbies - fishing, swimming
Ambitions/Dreams - To overcome his past mistakes that keep him in a less than trusted position.

Hair - brown
Eyes - brown
Weight - 220 lbs
Height - 6'5"

Features -

Character Model - Josh Duhamel

Mother - Soha
Father - Jovan
Siblings - Shovan (younger brother)
Spouse -
Partner - Phocyn
Children - Navon (son)

Craft - Fishercraft
Rank - Journeyman
Master -

History - Ja'vosh originally hales from Big Bay Sea Hold, where he was learning the Fishercraft. Janovosh was 14 when he was originally Searched by Igen. Between Hatchings, he went home to continue learning his craft. Hatchings passed him by, though, until he was told that he was getting to be too old to Stand anymore. He was permitted one last time on the Hatching Grounds.
That last chance proved fateful. Bronze Quenath emerged from his egg and headed directly over to the 20 turn old Janovosh, and declared to him that he now belonged to the big bronze hatchling. From that moment on, he had become Ja'vosh.
Ja'vosh is a hard working man. He enjoys fishing and swimming in his spare time, that is, when he isn't pulling pranks.

It was his pulling of a prank that ended with someone getting seriously hurt that resulted in Ja'vosh and Quenath being reassigned to Star Stone Weyr and Dragonhold Station. It was with hope that dealing with the offworlders on the Station would give the irreverent bronzerider the discipline he needs.

Ja'vosh is the former Weyrleader of Star Stone Weyr. A position he can no longer hold, due to the partial blindness he suffers, and his devotion to his weyrmate- Phocyn. However, dealing with the dragon plague and the contagion have given Ja'vosh the maturity that his former Weyrleaders at Igen. He kept the Weyr contained, and going. He was also the one that was able to alert the other Weyrs of Pern when Star Stone was invaded from outside/off planet resources.

Dragon -
Name - Quenath
Color - Bronze
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - Quenath likes the ladies. He's always ready to go after a gold or a green. He also enjoys swimming, especially with his rider. He find fire lizards completely fascinating, and wishes that Ja'vosh would try to Impress one. Ja'vosh isn't too sure about that, since he has enough to do with caring for Quenath. Since Ja'vosh finally Impressed a flit, Quenath is completely taken with the creature, and dotes on it.
History -
Description - Quenath is a large bronze who's hide has a ruddy tone to it that give it an almost copper coloration. His wings are somewhat long for his size, giving him an extremely clumsy appearance on the ground.

Fire lizard -
Name - Mini Que
Color - Bronze
Sire - wild bronze
Dam - wild gold
Personality - Peace-loving, has several nervous habits, tends to nit pick his cleanliness
History -
Description - looks like Quenath in miniature

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes - Unknown to Ja'vosh, another member of his craft was jealous of the Bronzerider, since he managed to finally Impress. He altered the last prank to go wrong, which would cause the severe injury and end with Ja'vosh being sent to Star Stone Weyr. Also, what Ja'vosh only heard rumors of, is that the person died eventually, as a result of the injuries.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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