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Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:38 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Kwennell
Gender - male
DOB - 6/24
Age - 18
Location- Star Stone Hold

Personality - Devoted to those that he loves. Loyal. Protective of his brother. Willing to break the rules when the cause is true and just, or for love. Adventurous. Hard working. Loves playing music on his guitar when relaxing.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Stone working, playing guitar, picking on his twin brother.
Dislikes - Being picked on by his twin brother,
Hobbies - Plays the guitar and sings. Throws knives with his brother. Enjoys hiking, and goofing off with his brother.
Ambitions/Dreams - To Impress a flit, and to see the Weyr.

Hair - brown
Eyes - green
Weight - 230
Height - 6' 7"

Features - Brown hair, with a tendency to go blond at the tips when out in the sun for long periods of time. Green eyes. Lean, and wiry musculature. Has a scar across his right knee.


Character Model - Johnathan Scott

Mother - Kennia
Father - Wallen
Siblings - Walken (older), Kwaden (twin, older)
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Stonecraft
Rank - Senior Journeyman
Master -

History - Kwennell ended up apprenticing in the Smith craft, specializing in constructing dwellings. Unlike his brother, Kwennell started out as an apprentice Harper, learning to play guitar and sing. Unfortunately, about a year or so into his harper training, Kwennell overstrained his voice. On top of that, he picked up a respiratory infection that settled in his throat, leaving him unable to sing, much less talk. It would be a year before he would regain his voice, and by then, it was starting to change.
Shortly before turning 17 turns, Kwennell took a bad fall that ripped open his right knee. While he has recovered, he still has a slight limp.
Kwennell also is really good at throwing knives, a hobby picked up due to Kwaden deciding it would be an excellent way to settle matters between them. Kwennell thinks that his brother is the better of the two when it comes to throwing knives.

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Re: Kwennell

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:44 pm
by ThessKitty
I would really like to see his history expanded on a bit. Tell me more about how he strained his voice. Does he miss the Harper hall? Why did he decide to go to the smith craft after that? What was the incident where he hurt his knee? I'd also like to see a bit about his childhood with his brother in there as well. As usual, I would also love to see more in the personality section, but what you have is enough for me to give it a pass as long as the history section is expanded to demonstrate some more of those personality traits.

Re: Kwennell

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:58 pm
by SyberJedi

Re: Kwennell

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:23 pm
by KBear
I like him also . I agree with Kitty.