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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:39 pm
by Talen
Name -Arisha
Gender - female
DOB - 4.27
Age -2
Location- Starstone Hold
Personality -she believes whole in the pursuit of justice. She does everything she can to keep the harmony and is even willing to make sacrifices of her own personal desires for others. Course sometimes that means she has to guard herself against people who would take advantage of her good nature and compassion. She tends to see the best in others and not the worse.
Hair - blond
Eyes -blue
Weight -26.5
Height -34 inches tall

Features - Arisha has blond hair down to her shoulders, she has bright blue eyes and a oval shaped face. Her skin is a pale color and cheeks flushed pink.


Character Model - Jennifer_Lawrence

Mother - Kisha
Father -A'ren
Siblings - Reishen(twin brother)

History - she and her twin brother were born on the station to their mother after she was rescued from the pirates.

Pets -none

Likes - family, animals, people
Dislikes - creepy crawlies
Hobbies - playing with her twin
Ambitions/Dreams To be just like her parents and ride a dragon.

Re: Arisha

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:43 pm
by Moon