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Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:09 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Aaren
Alias - A'ren
Gender - male
DOB - 3/2
Age - 27
Location- Star Stone Weyr

Personality - laid back and loving. Music-loving. Sees himself as a Harper first, and a dragonrider second.

Sexual Preferences - straight

Likes - music, teaching, children
Dislikes - Enid, Tyas, slavery
Hobbies - writing music
Ambitions/Dreams - to make Harper Master.

Hair - brown
Eyes - Blue (formerly grey-green)
Weight - 190
Height - 6'7"

Features - Aaren is rather tall and lanky looking. His eyes are a mossy color not true green but not true grey either. He has a fair completion that easily burns, and is covered with freckles. His hair coloring is probably his best feature, a rich brown color with gold and red highlights to it. Aaren tends to wear it short because it snarls horribly.
As he has gotten older, Aaren has matured into a good looking young man with a rather distinctive, ragged scar crossing his face that he received the second time he Stood at a Hatching. It was given to him by a newly hatched green. The scar starts at his left jaw and angles upwards across his nose and over his right eye, ending at his eyebrow. It just misses his eye.
While he was held captive by Enid, she removed his original eyes, replacing them with new ones that changed the color of them to blue.

Character Model - Chris Pine

Mother - Taia
Father - Aeden
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children - Araena (daughter with Raeda), Alacen (daughter with Blanca), Allren (son with Blanca) [twins], Darnan (son with Raeda), Adrenan (son with Raeda) [twins], Arisha (daughter with Kisha), Reishen (son with Kisha) [twins]

Craft - Harper
Rank - Senior Journeyman
Master -

History - Aaren was born at the Harperhall. When he was a baby, his parents were posted to one of the main holds in Ista. As he grew up, his father got permission to start teaching Aaren the Harper craft. At the age of 12, Aaren was sent to the Harper Hall to continue his training and to obtain more formal training.
He was Searched by Fort Weyr when he was 15 Turns. He would Stand twice, the second time would result in the scar that crossed his face. He returned to the Harper Hall to heal, and to continue his studies for several years. He had decided that he was not really ready to Stand again, since it was his own fault that he had gotten hurt.
As a Turn's End gift from his parents, just before he turned 18, Aaren was given a firelizard egg. A Harper blue flit hatched from it, right in Aaren's hands. Because of how loud it creeled, the flit was dubbed Forte.
It was Forte's hatching that caused Aaren to realize that he was ready to try Standing again. He had to finish a Harper project first though, before the Master Harper would permit him to try again.
Aaren was 19 turns old when he Impressed brown Nicorth and became A'ren.

Dragon -
Name - Nicorth
Color - Brown (Bronze)
Sire - Ingtoneth
Dam - Nimalenth
Personality - Even tempered and steady he is definitely fitted out to be the brawn of a wing some day.
History -
Description - Earth and sand, that is what the hide of this brown dragon was inspired by, dappled with darker and lighter ripples along his flanks and shading out to the tips of his wings.

Fire lizard -
Name - Forte
Color - Blue
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - music loving, will sing
History -
Description - Harper blue in color.

Name - Octave (deceased)
Color - Green
Sire - unknown
Dam - unknown
Personality - lazy, messy
History -
Description - A soft, grass green color

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -