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Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:12 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Daltan
Alias - D'tan, D'ltan
Gender - female
DOB - 5/13
Age - 27
Location- Star Stone Weyr

Personality - Looks and acts like a guy.

Sexual Preferences - Bi, prefers women more often than not.

Likes - girls, flits, being boyish
Dislikes - judgmental people
Hobbies - training runners
Ambitions/Dreams - to breed a hearty breed of runner that can withstand the desert heat

Hair - Blonde
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 140 lbs
Height - 5'11"

Features - gangly, boyish with small breasts and slim hips. Somewhat androgynous in appearance.


Character Model - Jodie Foster

Mother - Dalla
Father - Alton
Siblings - Tahnda (sister)
Spouse/weyrmate - Qu'ade
Partner -
Children - Saeth

Craft - Beastcrafter
Rank - Senior Apprentice
Master -

History - Daltan is from Ista Island originally. She was training to be a Beastcrafter, following in her father's footsteps. Her closest friends were Quadelan and his younger brother Quiller. The trio were thick as thieves. All three went into the Beastcraft, mainly working with runners.
Daltan was 17 Turns old when Quadelan was Searched and went to Ista Weyr to stand as a Candidate. Three Turns later, she would be Searched rather late, when she was 20, and preparing to walk the tables to make Journeyman. Instead, she is taken to Ista Weyr as a Candidate. Before she goes, she is given a firelizard egg as a gift from her parents, which they had originally planned to give her for making Journeyman.
When the egg hatches several days later, a flit the color of the sky falls from it, and onto the toes of Daltan's boots. She scoops up the hatchling and he tries to eat her fingers before she has a chance to start feeding him. Because of the way he is acting, the flit is dubbed Brat.
Then, not even three weeks after Brat has hatched, the Hatching occurs. Daltan finds herself facing down a sizable green hatchling, who declares that Daltan is hers and that her name is Tagoth.
Following male dragonrider tradition, Daltan becomes D'ltan.
Everyone at Ista knew that D'ltan and Qu'ade planned to become weyrmated once he returned from his training as a weyrling master assistant, and she had graduated from being a weyrling. An accident stole that away from her, along with D'ltan's intended, his dragon, and then his brother. Quiller told the Greenrider that Qu'ade was still alive, and he would find him. D'ltan was willing to give Quiller the chance to look, but doubted that the man she loved was still among the living. After all, the dragons had cried out about the death of Brown Saeth, Qu'ade's dragon.
The other riders tended to shun D'ltan, with the exception of Meeko, Quiller's girl.
After the trio finished with weyrlinghood, they requested and received a transfer to Star Stone Weyr. The reason given- D'ltan was fed up with how she was treated by the others, and she wanted a new start in a new place that had no memories of the man she loved.

Dragon -
Name - Rynith
Color - Brown
Sire - Nicorth
Dam - Shoriath
Personality - Has own rules of logic which don't match most peoples. Mixes words up. Always an original, and a little eccentric.

History- Daltan stood back from the group that encircled the eggs. She did not know if she wanted to be here. Instead, she wished that she had been permitted to go Between when her beloved Tagoth had died. However, she could not do that to Brat. Minx, Rascal, and Sprite would have Impressed someone else.
A gold colored egg was rocking away, and it caught Daltan's attention. The golden colored egg cracked loudly all around the top before the whole top of the shell was sitting on the little Brown head that was peaking out of the shell. He rested a moment then tried again to kick the rest of his shell away. After a few moments of fighting his shell, the tiny creamy amber hatchling fell onto the sands. He righted himself quickly and stood still looking around. After a moment, he headed in the direction he was wanting to go. The dragonless Greenrider started shaking her head, when she realized that the little Brown was looking towards her. She stepped backwards, and fell over on her rear.
Stumbling he started calling out. Where are you Mine, I know hidden you are not. Are you there? Rynith hungry is. Go we now eat? He said as he bumped into the chosen one. The love in the little face was there for all to see.
D'tan sighed and hugged the little Brown to her, marveling over his markings. Dark brown stripes that seem to zigzag over his eyes before rippling down across his shoulders and down over his hind quarters, over the amber coloring.
I am Rynith, Mine.
"Hello Rynith." D'tan greeted her Brown, standing up and looking over at first the Weyrleaders, then T'vor. "His name is Rynith."
She then led him off.

Dragon -
Name - Tagoth (deceased)
Color - Green
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - Tagoth is a bossy, voice your opinion sort of dragon. She knows what she likes and doesn't mind telling you about it. She is also sturdy, very reliable, and very protective of D'ltan.
History - From the moment she first broke shell, Tagoth knew that the boyish looking woman was hers. And was very vocal about it as well, as she faced down her chosen person. As for the little blue cousin that came with hers, Tagoth found Brat amusing from the start, and incorporated him into her protectiveness of their person, D'ltan. Tagoth was one of the casualties of the dragon plague.
Description - Tagoth is a large green. Her coloring is that of a light, leafy green with darker patches along her back, sides, and at the tip of her tail.

Fire lizard -
Name - Brat
Color - Blue
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - Brat is aptly named. He lives up, or down as the case may be, to his name. He has a penchant for stealing breast bands and other small articles of clothing.
History - From the moment he hatched, Brat's main goal in life was to drive his person to distraction. That was somewhat changed when his large green cousin joined them, making them a trio. Brat has since been drafted into helping Tagoth with minding of their person, though he is permitted to his antics from time to time.
Description - A soft sky blue coloration.

Name - Minx
Color - Green
Sire - Tath
Dam - Glessy
Personality - arrogant
History - Minx was one of two eggs given to Daltan, after the loss of her dragon Tagoth.
Description - A bright emerald green in coloration.

Name - Rascal
Color - Blue
Sire - Tath
Dam - Glessy
Personality - Energetic
History - Rascal was one of two eggs given to Daltan, after the loss of her dragon Tagoth.
Description - A bright sapphire blue in coloration.

Name - Sprite
Color - Green
Sire - wild bronze
Dam - Precious
Personality - She is more rough and tumble than most greens. Happy to tell you off as quickly as love you. She is a feisty green who loves to have fun. Unlike most green’s she’s assertive, outspoken, and athletic although she does have a sweet side.
History - The egg which would hatch Sprite was given to Daltan by the wild Gold, Precious.
Description - A beautiful shade of sea foam green covers the leggy green. There are hints of darker colors on her toes and wing ridges. Her wing sails appear to be almost see-through and are a much lighter shade of the same color of green. While she is not necessarily a large green, she’s tall. Her legs are long while the rest of her is average and athletically built.

Name: Imp
Color: Green
Sire: Brat
Dam: Bree
Personality: Likes to be heard, because of her small size, she feels the need to make up for it vocally and with volume. This green enjoys having lots of friends, and tries to befriend almost anything that shows her attention.
Description: Mossy green, deep in color, rich in tone. The most striking green in a group of green, despite there being no sparkles or shimmers or color variations. She is such a lovely, even color that she can't be missed. Tiny little thing, even for a green firelizard.

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
Additional background-
After training to go to Dragon Weyr Station, D'ltan ended up going home to Ista Island and the cothold where she had grown up. Her father had become very sick and eventually died.

A couple of months later, D'ltan would become Daltan again, a dragonless rider, due to her beloved Tagoth dying from a mysterious plague.