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Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:48 am
by Moon
Name - Nadella
Gender - Female
DOB - 13/19
Age - 30

Personality - stern, no nonsense, full of compassion and likes to hear out others

Sexual Preferences - straight

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Ambitions/Dreams -

Hair - black
Eyes - brown
Weight - 175 lbs.
Height - 5'10"

Features - She is slender, tall, and leanly built. Long black locks of hair curl tightly around her head, with a slender face. Thin arched brows and brown eyes are open books to the rest of the world.

Character Model -

Mother - Lucille (deceased)
Father - Lasko (deceased)
Siblings -
Spouse -
Partner -
Children -

Craft - Seamstress
Rank - Journeywoman
Master -

History - It was a dark and stormy night when Nadella was born. The roof caved in on her family's cothold and forced the small family to move closer to the sea until a new roof could be built. The old crumbling building was never quite warm in the winter and never quite cool enough in the summer.

Not that it mattered to Nadella. Her mother hand wove several rugs and tapestries to hang about their home until gather and her father was almost always away at sea. One night a bad storm took her father from them and left mother and child to their own fate. Nadella's mother soon moved them to the main hold after she was unable to meet tithe and found more constructive work for her child there.

At an early age, Nadella had spent what few hours her father was home learning everything she could about his craft. Practicing on straggling bits of thread the girl soon began to apply those lessons to the ones her mother gave her. Nadella learned her numbers by counting the number of pins she would need to secure a hem.

At the age of twelve, Nadella began to further her lessons by asking broader questions especially about the plants in an area. The further she went with her imagination, the greater her skill grew with dresses. Unlike the young women of her Hold, Nadella was far from being marriage minded until the day she met a young man.

Unshaken from her path, she swiftly turned him down when he proposed and offered to sew him a dress when he met a woman who he could not live without. Shortly there after Nadella moved onto another Hold and saw little of her family after. The woman's skills only grew after that as she plied her trade in making the drab and ordinary into something a bit more special for those around her. Upon her mother's death, Nadella sewed one final gown for her mother and folded it away into a wooden box.

It remains firmly locked away with her where ever she goes. Now Nadella is looking to the western continent to expand her view of the world.

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