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Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:52 pm
by SyberJedi
Name - Deen
Alias - D'en
Gender - Male
DOB - 2/24
Age - 19
Location- Star Stone Weyr/ Observatory/ DragonHold Station

Personality - D'en loves heights. The higher the better. He was one for climbing trees, and the sides of mountains. The higher the better. Upon Impressing Blue Lykuth, D'en achieved even greater heights once his dragon was old enough to fly. D'en is also a dragon and flit crazy boy. His biggest wishes, before he came to the Weyr, was to Impress a dragon, and have a fair of firelizards. He has achieved the one, and is working on the other. He hopes to have a flit of every color.

Sexual Preferences - Bi

Likes - heights, climbing, flits, dragons
Dislikes - being on the surface of Pern
Hobbies - climbing
Ambitions/Dreams - to have a fair, and one of each color, of firelizards; and to return to space and the space station.

Hair - Blond
Eyes - grey
Weight - 220 lbs (when fully grown)
Height - 6'6.5" (when fully grown)

Features - Slender with well developed muscles (when grown).

Character Model - William Gregory Lee

Mother - Nea (deceased)
Father - Naden (deceased)
Siblings - none
Spouse -
Partner - Sh'ara
Children - Denara

Craft - Dragonrider
Rank - Wingrider
Master -

History - D'en originally hales from a small farming cothold that was beholden to Greenfields Hold. He had a rather typical childhood, attending classes and climbing anything that he could when he wasn't searching for firelizard eggs. He did his best to escape the farming chores his father would want him to help with when his mother would out making her rounds of the various holds she had to tend to as a Journeyman Harper.
During one winter when Deen was 11 Turns, a heavy avalanche destroyed his cothold home. Deen had been at the main hold for Harper classes, and so survived. Shortly afterwards, he was Searched and sent to Star Stone Weyr to Stand. The reason he was given for being sent so far away was that the adults around him felt that he needed a complete change of scenery, and that the far distant Weyr could use more Candidates.
Deen would Impress blue Lykuth his first time out Standing, and become D'en.
As one of his first assignments as fully graduated Bluerider, D'en and Lykuth would ferry an off-world born woman and her son to Star Stone Weyr. As a thank you, he was given a firelizard egg that would eventually hatch a tiny green flit that he would name Frost.

Dragon -
Name - Lykuth
Color - Blue
Sire - Apostelth
Dam - Tianiath
Personality - Dreamy and moody, and tends to see the strangest side of things. He prefers to go with the flow and is prone to being lazy.
History -
Description - the color of the night sky when it is at it's darkest. The shade of midnight blue that borders on black for color.

Fire lizard -
Name - Frost
Color - Green
Sire -
Dam -
Personality - A nagging Aunty
History - A gift to D'en from Akane, for bringing her friends Blanca and Demetrio to the surface of Pern from the Station.
Description - a tiny pale green, the color of moss covered with frost.

Name - Snuggles (deceased)
Color - Green
Sire - wild
Dam - wild
Personality - A cuddle bug
History -
Description - A dark forest green color

Name - Flame
Color - Brown
Sire - wild bronze
Dam - Gold Precious
Personality - Like the flames in the wind his thoughts are often scattered. He tends to forget about messages to be taken to other people no matter how hard his owner might train him. There is not an aggressive bone in his body and in fact he can be a bit cowardly if cornered. Run away! He is really just a sweet little brown who wants someone to love him for who he is, even if it means loving a cowardly, scatter-brain.
History - Given to him by the wild gold flit, Precious.
Description - Deep, dark almost black brown at his feet his hide graduates to a lighter brown on his head knobs and wing tips. He has interesting faint, almost burnished orange markings that resemble flames starting on his hind legs and moving up his side as if he were on fire. They are easier to spot in the sunshine when the burnished coloring sparkles in the light. He is above average for a brown. His body is built in a more serpentine, agile form.

Name- Kaleth
Color - bronze
Sire- Gunther
Dam- Ryu-chan
Personality -
Description - a shiny copper coloration. Long wings.

Name - Snow
Color - blue
Sire - wild flit
Dam - wild flit
Personality -
History - Egg was found and snagged when D'en found a nest of flit eggs, and was one of two eggs that he stole from it. The other egg was given to Zion/Zimar.
Description - A pale blue coloration, that almost looks the color of snow in shade.

Name - Tegan
Color - gold
Sire - wild flit
Dam - wild flit
Personality -
History -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -