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Transgendered Characters

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:05 pm
by SyberJedi
As Pern fans know, homosexuality is common place and accepted on Pern, with none of the biases that homosexuals have in today's society. Most of us have characters that are homosexual or bisexual. However, there is one demographic that has been overlooked- transgendered characters. Moon and I would like to make it possible for members to have transgendered characters.
There are a couple of ways to get one-
1. Have a current character come out that they are, in fact, transgendered.
2. Create a character who is transgendered from the start.

These character qualify to be Candidates and Stand for Impression. Just because a character is transgendered does not mean that they will not Impress. Nor does it mean that they will Impress. They have the same chances as all other Candidate characters to Impress.
While transgendered characters qualify for Impression, there is one thing that has to be taken into account as to what color they will Impress- their gender at birth. So a transgendered male character (a character who is female at birth) is capable of Impressing Gold. A transgendered female character (a character who is male at birth) is capable of Impressing Bronze. A transgendered female can not Impress Gold. A transgendered male can not Impress Bronze. Sorry.

More to come.

Re: Transgendered Characters

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:49 pm
by KBear
OMGOODNESS... a Male Gold rider.... woooohoooooo!!! Can yo usee the look on another traditional Weyrs face when one lands? hahahahahaha....ME FIRSSSSTTTTTT....hahahahaha

Gotta love the ladies for thinking out of the box

Re: Transgendered Characters

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:25 pm
by Bladesong
My First thought was almost a star trek Data's response. But I find this Idea tantalizing to say the least. It's definitely something I intend to give some thought too