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Post by jackharper »

Name - G'wan
Gender - Male
DOB - 10/17
Age - 26

Personality - G'wan loves adventures. He wants to be free, and Impressing Bindath helped him gain his freedom from his parents and the constrictions of a possible Craft. Leading the life he wanted to as a dragonrider, G'wan was able to explore, try new things, have adventures, and taste a freedom he never had before.

Although he was never apprenticed in a Craft, G'wan has a small talent for playing guitar. He can sometimes be seen playing his guitar and humming softly to himself while spending down time in the bright sun with Bindath as she sunbathes.

G'wan's adventurousness extends beyond just going new places, it extends beyond taking on tasks that will allow him to try new things, and it extends beyond his interest in both men and women. G'wan lives by the philosophy that he will do or try anything at least once before decided whether or not it is something he enjoys.

Sexual Preferences - Bisexual

Likes - space, adventures
Dislikes - gravity
Hobbies - playing guitar
Ambitions/Dreams - Discover something new in space

Hair - Brown
Eyes - Brown
Weight - 210lbs
Height - 6'2"

Features - With light brown to dirty blonde hair that he keeps pulled back in a ponytail, and smoldering brown eyes, G'wan is on the attractive side of things. He had some facial hair, but he keeps it well trimmed and under control. His skin is very tan, a nice honey brown, since he is out in the sun so much, and has darkened since he has relocated to the desert of the West. He is strong from being a dragonrider, but his build is fairly slender. He stands at an average height.

Character Model - Vic Fuentes

Mother - Garina (Weyrstaff)
Father - Wandro (Weyrstaff)
Siblings - Three younger sisters
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Greenrider
Rank - Wingrider
Master -

History - Born to his parents at Telgar Weyr, both of them on the staff, G'wan dreamed of being a dragonrider his whole life, but it was thought, mostly by his parents, that he would grow up and take up a good Craft and make a decent living without dragons involved in his life.

He never had a close relationship with his sisters, as they were all three significantly younger than him. They were all fostered out to Crafters to avoid getting wrapped up in Weyr politics. It wasn't that Garina and Wandro disliked the Weyr and dragonriders, they simply wanted a less perilous life for their children, with all the changes that had been made with space travel and what not.

G'wan didn't want that life. He was determined to Stand and show his worth, so against his parents wishes, when he was thirteen, he went through proper Candidate training and was seen fit to Stand at the next Hatching. He did not Impress the first two times that he Stood, but G'wan was not going to give up. He knew his lifemate lived in one of those unhatched eggs.

At his third Hatching, when he was fifteen, after his parents had finally accepted their son's chosen path, G'wan Impressed the beautiful green Bindath. He was the happiest he had ever been. Garina and Wandro were pleased that G'wan had finally found his calling among the dragonriders. They still feared that he would get caught up in the dangers of space, but they were pleased that he was happy.

When Bindath mated for the first time, it became clear to G'wan that he was very attracted to, and sexually satisfied by men, even though he had had a few relationships with women. In fact, he felt more drawn to men than women.

After roughly ten Turns at Telgar Weyr, G'wan decided it was time to expand his horizons. He knew his parents would be very upset, but G'wan decided to go to the new space station that was now housing dragonriders. He wanted adventure, he wanted to see the offworlders, and the technology of the West. By now, his parents had accepted G'wan and his decisions, but they were still worried for him.

G'wan and Bindath left Telgar Weyr and headed West to join the wing at Dragonhold Station.

Dragon: Deceased
Name: Bindath
Color: Green
Personality: Loving and oddly maternal to hers, and the others he cares about. Bindath loves to sunbathe, but she has also found a delight in being in space. She likes seeing the stars that much closer and bigger, and she is fascinated by the ones that came from other worlds.
History: Hatched at Telgar Weyr, Impressed to G'wan. She knew he had previously stood and didn't Impress, but there was no doubt that he belonged to her when she hatched.
Description: Deep forest green with sparkling emerald wingsails.

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