250 Turns of History

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250 Turns of History

Post by SyberJedi »

250 Turns of History

Towards the end of the 9th Pass, after the Weyrs of Pern had worked together to save their planet from Thread ever falling again. There was new hope for the citizens of Pern as the skies finally came free of it's greatest threat. Within the next fifteen Turns dragon population began to decrease dramatically. Riders became rarer and the urge to explore became greater. Branching out into the Southern Continent brought many new lands to explore, hold, and to flourish. Dragonholds became one of the fewer sights to the Holders as the older Weyrs sought to keep their place.

The next twenty-five turns brought the re-discovery of the Western desert continent and the beginning of an advanced educational system from the Ancestor's technology. From this, the Harpers, Artisans, and other skilled crafters began to shape the next era of peace. The riders fell into the shadows of history, eternally remembered in song of their deeds, and called upon for the mundane or the emergencies of planetary havoc.

There was another danger that came from the skies of Pern- asteroids. And it was one that the nascent Star Craft Hall pointed out to those of the Holds, Weyrs and other Halls. The idea of using the dragons to explore new worlds and to go to space formed. After all, the dragons and their riders would need an occupation now that they no longer had to protect the planet from Thread.

Tentative plans were formed in the early turns of space development to build a launch sight for the planetary goal. The lives of dragons and their riders quickly became immersed in the training, building, and development of the Dragonhold Station. The leaders of Pern from Hold, Hall, and Weyr would use their unique skills to get into space.

Radio communications were developed based on early examples discovered in the early construction of the Telegraph. New metals, glass, and further developments led to a swift shift in the economical reaches of the Pern Craft Halls. Holders took advantage of this and pursued the reaches of economy. With the population beginning to flourish, Riders were called in to manage the growing desires of the many. Weyrs, though, still in the shadows of development took this time to seize advantage of their unique skills and call to duty.

After exploration of the Western Continent was finished, the Weyrs of Pern moved in to begin construction of a new territory. The Sandy Foam Seahold and the Star Stone Weyr were the start of the massive undergoing of Pern's intent to explore beyond it's own planet.

The Star Stone Weyr was home to the observatory that mapped the stars and tracked the paths of comets, meteors, and other space fairing objects. It housed the smallest number of dragons and riders in a full sized weyr since the dragonholds began. It's mission and duty was to warn the rest of Pern if something threatened the building of the station, the atmosphere of Pern, or even the planet itself.

The Sandy Foam Seahold was established to create a trade port for the people. The Western Continent offered an ideal and unique experience to those accustomed to the lush South and the fair North. The seahold's primary purpose was a training ground however for the riders and others who would eventually be assigned to serve aboard the Station.

At the end of a ten turn gather to celebrate the Star Stone Weyr's end of Turn, first communication is made with the incomplete Station for the first time. A Brainship scout passing through the region of space home to the Rukbat system picks up on the radio sequence and moves into investigate. They arrive nearly nine turns after the initial communication is made to the Dragonhold Station.

Trial, error, and arguments among the Holder's counsel have halted and stalled the progress of the Station in the mean time. The loss of lives and dragons have continuously brought to home how dangerous their project remains. The Dragonriders of Pern persist in their urge to continue the building of the Station.

The Brainship named Kaylee and her brawn Seara arrive in the Rukbat system. They observe the ongoing construction of the space station and the oddity of what seemed to be living creatures moving freely in space without benefit of protective gear. The pair move in to investigate closer and are discovered by bronze rider N'lek and Burtiath. He would later on become the Weyrleader of Star Stone Weyr.

N'lek and Burtiath brought the Brainship Kaylee and her brawn to the planet proper to open a line of communication to the planet. While in communication with Pern, the brainship learns of the efforts to bring the former colony into space. The fascinating world of dragons, firelizards, and the development of unique medical and technological advancements in a nearly impossible prediction. Brief discussions were started as Kaylee recorded and filed a first contact log in an attempt to begin communications with the FSP. Seara was given a flit egg as a welcoming gift from N'lek that would later hatch into a brown firelizard named Brawn, for posterity. Brawn would later show a leading example of the unique traits beholden to Pern and her people.

Departing within a month of initially finding Pern the Scout Brainship and Brawn returned to FSP space with samples and opening statements for their commanding officers. It would take nine turns of politics, finding people to fill spots, to determine what they sought from one another, and to return to Pern.

The first ambassador group was brought in by Kaylee to make the introductions. The second followed three turns later and so the shift of ambassadors were made in the next twenty turns until tentative programs were started with the FSP's more experienced advice when the Federation of Sentient Planets were contacted by scientists and specialists in animal science learned of the sentience of Dolphins on Pern. With the referrals, references, and political interest in the numerous sentient lifeforms on the planet, the FSP made an offer.

Specialists would be sent in to advise and aid the Pernese people in finishing their space station. In return, the FSP would get access to some of the more specialized growths from Pern. Like numbweed, fellis, and other medicinal herbs for study. Exposure to the mixed cultures on the space station began to form fragile bonds that would later lead to the development of programs like introducing military officers training for Dragonriders and relief programs for those who were too far in debt.

Originally posted by Moon.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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